Monday, November 15, 2004

found this today on Crisps, etc. and thought I would give it a whirl.

15 years ago today, I was…
1. 30 years old
2. working for Jim Shilliday and in love with him
3. living in a tiny apartment in Laurel Springs

10 years ago today, I was…
1. thinking I had all the time in the world to settle down and have children
2. just becoming obsessed with travel
3. working for Bob, along side Marty, who is now one of my best friends

5 years ago today, I was…
1. in love with A and thinking I could never love anyone again like I loved him
2. beginning to realize the window of opportunity for having children was closing
3. living in an apartment I absolutely loved in Haddonfield

3 years ago today, I was…
1. a mess because I was working for a total psychotic after Bob had to let his Philadelphia staff go
2. breaking up with A, who I finally realized wasn’t and never would be, the life partner I needed him to be
3. constantly envisioning the plane going into the second tower on that awful Tuesday in September

1 year ago today, I was…
1. in love with Chris
2. preparing for a move to Munich
3. as happy as I have ever been

So far this year, I have…
1. changed my entire life by moving to Europe to be with Chris
2. leaned an entirely new method of knitting
3. been completely enraged by the failure of my fellow Americans to oust our pig of a president

Yesterday, I…
1. watched a bunch of tv shows about buying property in France and Italy
2. had brunch at Faun with Lise, Jen, Mason, Daniel, Joanna and Chris
3. talked to Christina on the phone for a really long time

Today, I…
1. got a phone call from Todd at 7 a.m. telling me that Pam had had their third daughter just hours before
2. picked Henry up at the kennel
3. started our mountains of laundry from Italy

Tomorrow, I…
1. will go downtown to find some advent calendars to bring back to the States on Friday
2. will iron like a crazy woman
3. am happy because in three days I will be back in New Jersey


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