Thursday, March 03, 2005

Back from Egypt and still reeling from the whole experience. It was, without a doubt, the best trip of my entire life and Chris agrees. From the first glimpse of the Pyramids, which made both of us literally gasp with awe, to Abu Simbel, which is Ramses II amazing temple on Lake Nasser, to the Nile itself, where farming is done in quite the same manner as it has been for thousands of years, to Cairo, with its overwhelming chaos and dirty beauty, we were bowled over. It isn’t to be described. You just have to get in there and go with it. It was sensory overload for the first few days we were in Cairo. The streets are congested with people (population 17 or 18 million) and cars and busses as well as donkeys, horses, goats and camels. It pulses with life and energy. The prayer call sounds are so beautiful and haunting. And the people were wonderful and genuinely friendly and fun, a real pleasure. The best I have met, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. We thought we were going to be a part of a small group, but were thrilled to find that we had our own guide, a really charming young guy named Hamden, a graduate in Egyptian studies from the University of Cairo, and overflowing with information and infectious enthusiasm. He really enhanced our trip with his endless knowledge and charming anecdotes. A truly great way to see Egypt - with a native Cairene, who loves his country and its history and culture. We were lucky! I have always been fascinated with Islam and we had some great talks. He seemed to be pleased that I knew a good bit more about it than his usual clients. It was a good give and take amongst the three of us.
If you ever get the chance, GO!


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