Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Homesick Blues

We have another year to go here before we go back to the States, but for some insane reason I have begun trolling through the real estate web pages, which is stupid considering that I have fallen in love with three houses only to see them sold out from under us! Ha!

For some reason, I am ready to go back home now. I am a little lonely during the day and miss the routine and social interaction that work brings. I also feel odd taking so much materially from Chris, something which he assures me is NOT a problem. It’s just a problem for me I suppose.

I am very happy with Chris and our relationship. It’s healthy and strong and growing. We enjoy being together, have meaningful conversations as well as silly banter. He makes me laugh and not take myself so seriously. It is just very hard to be away from everyone and everything. I was queen bee in Haddonfield. A big fish in a very small pond. Here I am a tadpole in an ocean. I’m secure enough to be able to accept that, yet I miss the constant stream of visitors to my place, the phone calls, drinks and dinners out with the gang, Sunday meals with my family and all sorts of stuff. I so lucky to have acquired so many friends through Chris, Jen and Lise, yet I miss the friends at home. Joanna, John, Steve, Peggy, John, Tom, Gina, John, Lynne, Bob, Jason, the morning coffee crew, Jane, Catherine, Nancy, Cheryl, John, Lee, Helen, Andy, Craig, Evans, Laurel, Christina…I could go on and on.

Oh well, one more year. Let me grab another Augustiner and make the most of it.


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