Jason and Tyler Wilson came to town on Friday for a four day weekend of play. We had a blast. Jason’s always up for anything, which is a great trait in a visitor and Tyler, who I’d only met once before at a gallery opening, was much the same. I was trying to sell Jason on an article on Toytown, but he was up in the air about it. I think both of the guys, who are fathers of young children, were just ready to let their hair down, drink a few beers and laugh. I introduced them to Lise and Richard on Friday night, which turned out well despite Tyler telling Richard just how ugly his sweater was (which, truthfully, was dead on.) Richard, who can take a joke, wore it the next two times he saw them, which was funny as hell. Saturday, we wandered allover town and through the English Garden, which looked spectacular in the snow. Then we met up with Chris’ motley crew at the Augustiner Brewery for a long session. There must have been fifteen of us. I like that place a lot and so did the guys so that was a success. Sunday, I left them to their own devices and met up for dinner. Jen and Paul, who’d been in Barcelona all weekend, hooked up with us as well for a quiet one. Monday, Chris left for London, and I met the boys and had some beers before a nice dinner at the Brasserie with Lise, Richard, Jen, Paul, and Guls. Really good rapport between everyone, good conversation and laughter flowing. Nice night and great trip. They left Tuesday morning and I collapsed into a heap.

Sander and Wesley Wilson
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