Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I am so hungry I could eat my own hand, but not sure what it is I want. Thinking taht perhaps a bloody rare piece of beef would do the trick. Will take a wander over to Acme and figure it out when I get there.

My latest annoyance is with the entire genre known as chick lit. Looking for something light, I picked up two books written by two different thirty something women writers and was absolutely stunned by how dumbed down and insulting they were. I ran them right back. Terrible. The plots were so predictable that my fourteen year niece could have written them. The dialogue - revolting - who talks like that? I used to be able to stomach them - maybe it's because I'm getting older and grouchier - who knows? Give me something meaty any day.

P.S. I just remembered how much I loved Bridget Jones' Diary so there's some good examples of it out there. But none I've looked at lately. Rant over.


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