Monday, May 05, 2008

Saturday was so much fun. We had a really good - if restrained (due to the fact that we were driving a few towns away) time at the Derby Party and an absolute blast at Laurel and Pat's party here in town which started off with quite a bang - a Tiki Torch fell and started a blaze on their back deck which Frank tried to douse - with wine! Hilarious - quite literally adding fuel to the fire. Fortunately he then grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out, but there was quite a commotion which funnily enough added to the night. Was a great great time with a really fun group of people. We ended up staying way beyond every one else. We had a ton of laughs. Laurel and Patrick are such nice people and really easygoing hosts.

Yesterday we worked in our yard all day long and it looks great. Was exhausted last night, but managed to get a walk up to Gracie's in for the first ice cream cone of the Spring season.

Scrambling to get ready to go away.


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