Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It’s Election Day here and I cannot remember a non-Presidential election year with so much drama. All the pundits are saying it is a referendum on Bush and Iraq, and the Republicans appear to be in real hot water, finally, but my fingers are crossed. The Democrats can always implode at any time. John Kerry’s gaffe last week is a case in point.

I went in and voted for our Democratic Senator, Bob Menendez, only because to me he is the lesser of two evils. He’s commonly perceived to be crooked, but there was no way I could vote for the Republican, Tom Kean, Jr., who is against everything I believe in.

The big issue in our town is the Open Space Trust Fund, which although it may hike our already insanely exorbitant property taxes even higher, is something I think the town ought to be seriously considering and acting upon. It’s all about keeping the land on which the Bancroft School now sits out of the hands of developers. Here’s an article which explains it better than I am able.

In other news, we have a mouse at our home, which I discovered late yesterday afternoon and provoked much hysteria. Tom and Catherine came by and practically dismantled the kitchen. We put some poison down and I am hoping that’s the end of that. We shall see. These old houses have a million nooks and crannies.


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