Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our town has an online forum called Haddonfield Talks which I frequent on a daily basis, if only for the entertainment. I started reading it while I lived in Munich so I could keep up with the gigantic dog leash controversy which was currently brewing. It was "good value for money" as Chris likes to phrase it. There were actually over 200 posts on the pressing issue of dogs running off leash in a secluded public park. Hilarious! Yesterday, I posted about a crappy restaurant here in town and just about got railroaded into Cherry Hill (the adjacent town). Funny. Was tempted to get into a flame war with this one guy, but in the end decided that it wasn't worth my time arguing with someone who spelled tapas as "tappas". 'Nuff said. This town is great, but there are moments when I just want to shake my head or scream in silence!

Three months in and the Stitch 'n Bitch is going well. We've had a real mixed bags of folks and I genuinely enjoy that.

Okay, off to meet Joanna at Starbucks. I never go in there anymore, but she likes it so it'll be a change of pace from Tivoli, the new coffee shop in town.


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