Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Yesterday was Fasching, or Mardi Gras, Carnival or Shrove Tuesday, as it is called in other parts of the world. We went downtown to watch some of the drunken festivities, which basically involved costumed people imbibing enormous amounts of booze. But it was fun, and not like anything I’ve ever participated in before so I am glad for the opportunity.

We ended up at a nice little Bavarian place where they know us and were joined by Lise and the EPO crowd, who were in fine fettle and all costumed up. Chris ended up wearing a purple boa and I had on black velvet kitten ears! Much much fun!

I had been feeling very low having received very bad news about the health of a friend at home, but I tried not to dwell on it. Today, however, is another story and I can’t get my head wrapped around someone I know and love and who is so vital, being diagnosed with something so serious. My heart is breaking. Am counting my blessings today and feeling so lucky


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