Thursday, August 25, 2005

Today is my baby sister Gina's fortieth birthday, which, to me, seems inconceivable. It was just yesterday that she was riding around on her Irish Mail, a really cool kid's four wheeled scooter that absolutely no one else in New Jersey had. (You have to give my parents credit. Their gifts were always unique and all the other kids always coveted our interesting toys.) Anyway, Gina's forty! Mind boggling! She's probably my best friend. We are very close. The past few months have been great for our relationship. She's been there for me my entire life, but recently we seem to have bonded in a more deep and meaningful way, which is saying a lot because we know almost everything there is to know about each other. She is a great sister, a great friend, and I treasure her. Everyone who knows her will agree - she is a very special, beautiful, intelligent, intuitive and kind woman. Happy Birthday G!


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